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Swiftly reduce waiting lists with bespoke, flexible, cost-effective and IPC compliant solutions from Agile Insourcing. Download the guide
Patients waiting for an Outpatient or Inpatient appointment
Patients waiting for elective care in England in December 2021
Waiting list have increased in the last 2 years alone
Patient centred and clinically safe, we offer services that include patient treatment list (PTL) analysis, patient admin booking, clinical delivery of specialties in outpatients/clinics and theatres, use of modular units and follow up. We deliver services every day of the week across the following specialties:
• Gastroenterology
• Ophthalmology
• Orthopaedics
• Dermatology
• Cardiology
• Echocardiography
• Radiology
• Vascular
• Pain Management
• Breast
• Gynaecology
• Pre-operative clinics
• Urology
Depending on your challenges, our services include:
Background: Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust (MFT) is one of the largest acute Trusts in the UK, employing over 20,000 staff. Its Dermatology departments was facing an increasing backlog in outpatient appointments, which was leading to increased patient waiting times and additional strain on the medical teams. To tackle this…
Read moreDermatology 2WW insourcing project The challenge In September 2020, the Trust’s dermatology team approached Agile due to a combination of staffing issues, maternity leave in a small team and the pandemic. The Trust had a surgical list that needed reducing and wanted to bring the 2WW down to under a…
Read moreBreast Radiology Consultant and Mammographers Insourcing The challenge In December 2020, the Trust approached Agile to ask for assistance with a Breast Radiology Insourcing Project. A combination of staffing issues, as well as the pandemic, meant the team didn't have the staff to see the high numbers of patients…
Read moreEchocardiography Insourcing Project The challenge In March 2021 the Trust approached Agile to ask for assistance with a large backlog of patients waiting for an Echo scan - due to lock-down and suspension of outpatient appointments. The Trust had previously outsourced the service, but this was no longer available as…
Read morePain Management Consultant The challenge In September 2020, the Trust approached Agile to ask for assistance with a Pain Management Insourcing Project. A combination of staffing issues, as well as the pandemic, meant the team had a large backlog of patients - many of which were vulnerable patients who…
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