The NHS is facing significant challenges when it comes to diagnostic capacity, particularly in relation to urgent cancer checks. During February, six integrated care boards failed to diagnose or rule out at least 70% of urgent cancer referrals within 28 days. These challenges require immediate attention to ensure that patients receive the timely care and treatment they need.
To address these challenges, the NHS has launched a new drive for hospitals to work towards a 10-day turnaround when delivering diagnostic test results for patients who have received an urgent referral for suspected cancer. This means that patients waiting to have cancer ruled out or diagnosed, in some cases, are set to receive this news faster, helping to relieve anxieties or enabling treatment to start sooner.
In addition, the NHS is also asking teams to prioritise diagnostic tests like MRI scans for cancer in community diagnostic centres (CDCs) or to free up capacity for these cancer tests within hospitals by moving elective activity into the centres. This approach will allow hospitals to quickly increase their diagnostic capacity and deliver high-quality care to patients in need.
While these initiatives are certainly positive steps, the challenges facing the NHS in relation to diagnostic capacity require ongoing attention and innovative solutions. Insourcing offers a range of benefits to the NHS in addressing these challenges. By bringing in a team of experts to run additional clinics, hospitals can quickly increase their diagnostic capacity without the need to recruit and train additional staff. This approach also allows hospitals to benefit from the expertise and experience of a team of professionals who are focused solely on diagnostic testing. This means that patients can receive faster and more accurate diagnoses, which can be crucial in the early detection and treatment of cancer.
In conclusion, the diagnostic capacity challenges facing the NHS demand immediate attention and ongoing innovation. The NHS's new drive for early cancer diagnosis and treatment, together with solutions such as Agile Insourcing, can help to increase diagnostic capacity and deliver high-quality care to patients in need. With the support of Agile Insourcing, the NHS can address these challenges and continue to deliver better outcomes for patients.
For more information on how Agile Insourcing can support your Trust with cancer diagnostic testing, call 01756 704754 or email
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